Quick Tip: How to Start Anything

Quick Tip: How to Start Anything

To start anything, it is always challenging... Just like beginning this clothing store, a few months ago I didn't even know the possibility of it. Yet here I am just getting it started... When we see good things already working, we tend to take them for granted as they may seem just ordinary, maybe "easy" done. However, for every single working thing there was a beginning time, just like this blog post does. So how do we start? How can we take the first step? What does it take for us to start moving from point A to point B?

A misterious dark road

 The Challenge: It usually lies in the fear of the unknown...

Sometimes a number of other aspects complement the endeavor, such as financial limitations, lack of skills, etc. Nevertheless, everything begins inside of us; the creativity, the inspiration boils fantastic ideas that urge to come out and be shared with the world. It faces though the toughest barrier ever: Ourselves. But, see, I'm not depicting ourselves as our enemies, instead our most inner fears convince ourselves to block our true good potential in a way to protect us from possible future sufferings. The most various types of fears build in: fear of failure, fear of being judged, Shame...

girl sitting afraid on a deck

How do we surpass our senses of fear that prevents us from transferring our talents, ideas, desires onto an empty canvas? The most practical way tends to be the most effective yet drastic: 

Happy smiling girl with a t-shirt with "Throw yourself Into" written on it

Throw yourself Into instead of overthinking about it... In this case, ignoring fear is the best way to get anything started.

But what if I can't? What if I see myself getting frustrated over and over, thus undervaluing myself as I don't seem to overcome that barrier?

a woman ashamed of herself

Well, how about using one of the worst human tendencies in your favor? I guess you've ever heard of procrastination... That terrible "art" of postponing actions, decisions, things you should or should've been doing or done already... You can procrastinate dealing with your success. How about that?! Follow me with this: the fear evolved in realizing something, the fear of bringing an idea from within onto a surface at first is normally the fear of being judged... But you can only be judged After showing some kind of result, isn't it? So, by then you would've already begun your journey/task, you would've already left point A towards point B.

Happy guy stting on a park grass with a laptop

Be aware that, surprisingly, we fear the possibility of success more than the possibility of failure. If we fail, we feel bad, it sucks, but it is over... We don't need to feel afraid of stepping even further into the unknown. On the other hand, if you succeed, congrats, it feels great, everything's cool. However, it probably won't end there, it just opens even more space for you to explore and develop it further. The unknown is scary and success is a continuous path through the unknown.    

But, hey, I'm digressing here now! If you take a little look back you'll see we've already begun something, and I'm here finishing this blog post by leaving my worries about people's judgment to be dealt later. To begin something, let's procrastinate dealing with our eminent success and just let the flow of good ideas leave yourself, concretize outside to be shared with our beautiful world. Start Today.

Good Luck! Best wishes,



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